Making The Seemingly Impossible Happen

What is MMS Yoga Coaching?

MMS Yoga Coaching is a Life Design System to build your body and mindset for the next chapter of your life.

Yoga and MMS Coaching are the catalysts to creating a safe space to finding your inner truth, embracing it, getting the blocks out the way and making the seemingly impossible happen.

There is a voice inside you — but it speaks very quietly.

That’s the voice of your dreams, to which many of us stopped listening long ago — we’re afraid of being vulnerable or failing in our lives. Our work in this program is to listen to the voice of our dreams, and not those of our fears.

When you can be honest about your dreams, your obstacles and what you are willing to do to get to your dreams, as well as about all the regrets of your past, your are free.

The truth sets us free. Finding your Inner Truth & Embracing it, moving the blocks out the way and making the seemingly impossible happen – that is what lies at the heart of Yoga and the MMS Coaching methodology.

The principle focus of each is to search your heart for your inner truths and gain clarity of purpose, action and intention, so you can bring your life into a harmonious, beautiful alignment of your own design.

MMS Yoga Coaching is about change, redefining yourself from who you were to who you are becoming. Once you are able to find your own answers underneath the confusion, doubt, uncertainty and fear you can connect with your inner knowing and trust and believe yourself again and go for your dreams with unshakable confidence.

The MMS Yoga Coaching Program is for people who are overwhelmed, frustrated, stuck, lost and confused in their lives with no clear direction. The coaching process supports and assists you in creating goals, and a clear vision of what you would love your life to look like. The MMS Yoga Coaching program helps to trust and believe in yourself to make the seemly impossible happen.

What Makes The MMS Yoga Coaching Program Unique?

The MMS Yoga Coaching Program is unique and customized to each individual. Each program beings with a Assessment & Evaluation process. If you’re not assessing then you’re guessing!

The Assessment & Evaluation process is divided into 3 sections:


Wheel of Life Assessment

The Wheel of Life is a simple but powerful tool that helps you visualize all the important areas of your life at once.

By looking at a visual representation of all the areas of your life at once, the wheel helps you to better understand which of your life areas are flourishing and which ones need the most work.


Posture Assessment

There are 2 types of postural assessments, static postural assessment and dynamic postural assessment.

Static posture is how your body aligns when you are standing still and dynamic posture is how your body aligns and performs when moving.


Stress & Well-being Evaluation

The Stress and Well-Being Assessment is a valuable tool to provide real time insights into where your experiencing stress in your life and at what levels. It also provides insight into your emotional well being. Emotions link experiences to goals and action, and as such are integral to goal setting, evaluation of goal progress, and goal pursuit.


Motivated Management Services (MMS) founded by Dr. Cherie-Carter Scott is the original and oldest Coach Training on Earth. Dr. Chérie Carter-Scott, MCC founded MMS in 1974 and has been training and coaching ever since. What makes the MMS Coaching method unique is the Socratic method of questioning, unconditional support, a judgement free environment, skilled listening and relationship building techniques and facilitating differences to achieve win-win outcomes.

The MMS coaching conversation is very different from other types of conversation. It has two basic assumption, the first that you know what you want, and somewhere within you under the confusion, doubt, uncertainty and fear, you know what is the ‘right’ thing for YOU. Secondly you have the personal power to have the life you want.

There are three phases of MMS Coaching method:

    • How to get unstuck feeling a certain way, stressed, overwhelmed, overloaded, anxious or depressed.

    • Time management & Stress mastery.

    • Getting & feeling motivated.

    • Goal setting in your personally & professional life.

    • Spotting areas for self improvement.

    • Increase productivity & performance.

    • The exact steps to create a lifestyle that’s in alignment with your needs and goals.

    • How to navigate through life with a greater sense of calm and confidence and far less stress.

    • A roadmap to execute your goals until your dream is turned into reality.

    • Tools and strategy’s to manage daily stresses and emotional intelligence to mastery all areas of your personal and professional life.

  • Together with your coach you can:

    • Celebrate the small wins and validate every step forward in the direction you desire.

    • Reinforce yourself constantly and consistently with acknowledgements, pats on the back, and kind, supportive reinforcing words.

    • Identify the obstacles holding you back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle.

What Makes Yoga So Powerful?

Yoga is a readily drawn map for the mental relaxation and physical rejuvenation. The practice of yoga will help people especially business executives drive towards success, with a creative brain, mindfulness, strong body and serene mind.

Yoga moves the physical body in all 3 planes,  opens the chest, creates space for deeper and easier breathing. A well-balanced yoga class will bring your mind to stop for a moment. You will be concentrating on the physical aspects (e.g. alignment) and you will have no time to think of anything else. Then, as you go deeper, you will discover the calming effects of the breathing exercises. 

Medical studies have proven that the regular practitioners of yoga are capable of reacting in a calm manner during demanding situations.

This program is highly recommended if you are looking to: 

  • Reduce daily stress – whether in your work or at home

  • Learn to keep a healthy routine and increase productivity 

    Learn to switch off 

  • Improve posture and counteract long hours of sitting or standing.

  • Keep the mind and body free from stress.

Reclaim Your Happiness.

It’s your birth right to have the life you want.

  • "I feel light, energetic and emotionally well. As my weight started to go down, I gained confidence in myself. I also became more active in daily life, productive at my work, I highly reccomend the Missing Piece Plan"

  • "Coaching is a mirroring process that helps you know yourself and to see yourself where you have been, where you are now, and where you want to be in the future"

  • "You made committing to a new mindset & healthier lifestyle an enjoyable process that provided results I thought not possible, you inspired me to be the best version of myself"

  • "I can strongly recommend undertaking the Yoga Coaching Program with Ross. Its a transformational experience, everyone should go through this program once in their life"

Take a quantum leap into an exhilrating new future.