My Life Journey


The purpose of me writing is to share how I was able to find the missing piece that was holding back my life and to talk, in part, about the golden path of how you too could begin and take the first step on the journey towards your future self and life.

I’m not here to tell you what your missing piece is, it could be a relationship with a parent, a school playground event that stuck in your mind, or just becoming aware of a change in mindsets, beliefs or attitudes we received from our role models, parents and caregivers when we were younger, it is this connection that teaches us about love and sets the tone for future unions... They might need some dusting off to see what they are.

If you ever wonder why you love the way you do, just look at the way your parents loved you, or each other. This truth can sabotage your creativity, spoil your relationships, drain your energy and even directly affect your health.

So, what are you really missing inside and from the world around you? When I was able to find what was missing for me an enormous energy was released and finally, I was able to take part in life at its fullest.

You may be thinking how can my past affect me in the present day? I will tell you now, it is both so DRAMATIC but at the same time, very subtle.

For a long time, I was afraid to share my story. Now I believe it has true validity and power and is something that I feel can really help someone else.

Another crucial, defining moment for me I will never forget was when I talked openly and genuinely about my challenges and feelings, I felt I was being heard and understood and not judged in any way. There was an instant sense of relief and peace. It had created a space that allowed letting go to be ok.

For me even writing this down and to go as far to share my story, is a testament to how far I have come. 2019 has been the best year of my life so far, by a very long way, personally, financially, emotional, physically and even spiritually.

It wasn’t always this way, quite the opposite. I felt I had the breaks on in my life for so many years. But, somehow, I still managed to achieve so many great things in my life but it never came from a place of love, courage, freedom or happiness, it even lacked a sense of authenticity or worthiness. It was from a place of ‘I am not important’, ‘I’m not loveable or capable enough’. They became like shackles around myself, pulling me back, tying me down, stopping me from doing what I wanted to do with my life. Deep down I knew exactly what I was capable of, but even though I knew it in my mind and what I wanted to do, why did it feel so far away?

I have become the change I want to see in people, I have chased what I thought would make me happy and fulfilled, it never made me feel the way I wanted, I overworked, chased the wrong things for short term gratification and remained somewhat unfulfilled.

I spent more than 15 years as a Trainer, knowing and understanding people’s health and fitness goals, and how important this was to people’s well-being. I knew I was being seen as successful, helpful and nurturing but still wanted to know why some people weren’t getting what they truly wanted, and why was I unable to fully support them, something was clearly missing.

I soon learnt I could only take someone as far as I have taken myself, so I worked on myself and took a magnifying glass to every corner of my life.

It took me all of those 15 years of relentless searching, stripping back layer upon layer, thousands of hours reading, watching YouTube videos, succeeding, then failing dramatically many, many times. Each book, course, terrible event, failed relationship, breakdown and seminar brought me closer to what was really in my way to having everything - the relationship, the finances, the lifestyle and friends I believed I desired. There was always something missing in the back of my mind, in my heart or even deeper in my soul.

Looking back at the struggle, I’m amazed I didn’t give up. The journey I made was mostly alone, I never admitted how I felt or what I was thinking to anyone or even asked for help. I believed telling anyone about my vulnerability was being weak, but how far that was that from the truth. I was depressed, anxious and frustrated and carrying around buckets of suppressed anger and sensitivity like a dark cloud in all parts of my daily life.

But I was lucky, I had my secret weapon, something inside me to never give up and most importantly finding out WHY. I think I owe this truism to my mum, who never let me say ‘I don’t know’, so I always had to find out how and why something happened. I applied this to every area of my life. I was obsessed to find answers, I looked everywhere to understand why everything that I didn’t want showed up and the things I wanted seemed so unattainable and unreachable.

My struggles even as a kid, with my dyslexia, dyspraxia, bullying, a very unstable parenting environment and unable to talk until I was 4 years. This shaped a child and adolescence far from normal, full of anger and frustration and a brain, attitudes, beliefs wired in such a way that success was nearly impossible to achieve.

Just to survive my younger years and into my teens, I created an identity and put a mask on every morning just to survive, this left me distracted from my true self, leaving me anxious, depressed and exhausted keeping up the pretence of someone who wasn’t me.

I discovered my greatest frustrations and painful experiences were my greatest gifts. A melting pot of circumstances growing up that gave me what I can truly call my superpower. I was able to empathize with everyone’s, pain and frustrations so instinctively but I also felt where the answers should be located. I could sense what they needed. These abilities were quite overwhelming me at first. But, how can I help someone get to their very own superpower, I had to learn how to harness this aspect of my life and began exploring and focusing on interpretation and results.

So, it isn’t until now that I discover that what I had gone through had a deep, meaningful and profound purpose far greater than me. My struggles are now my gifts, a unique set of talents, innate abilities, traumatic experiences to finally help myself and, more importantly, others. The feeling to be connected to yourself is incredible, and to know who you are, priceless. Knowing and finding what you want, being uplifted and to overcome what was preventing it, is truly transformational.

Learning a process to discover answers and having a robust system to further unlock and channel my abilities and give myself the permission, power and insights to change my life and my client’s life permanently is a very rare and special gift.

The BIGGEST, most dramatic change in my life was when I finally located answers and it happen in blink of an eye, it was that fast It was found in a process called coaching where I met two of the most gifted ladies, Dr Cherie Carter-Scott and Lynn U Stewart, skilled coaching practitioners who dedicated their entire lives to finding answers and designed a rigorous process to do it consistently.

Through this coaching process I can fully utilise my skills and abilities to help people find their answers, and what’s in the way of them having what they really want, love for themselves, peace, money, their perfect weight, freedom from failed relationships, freedom from overthinking, stress, anxiety, depression, low confidence or self-esteem – so many things that affect us all in our daily lives and routines.

I also remember my mentor and coach saying to me we don’t cut the back of our own hair so we go to hairdressers because they can see it all. We can’t do that with our own life either. We have our own blind spots, only someone else can show them to us.

The speed at which you can find your answers is incredible, usually in the stillness of a moment, while taking stock, we can surprise ourselves with a clear moment of realization - It is often jaw-dropping each time I coach someone on how fast a life can change. Being trained by the best coaches in the world helped me fine-tune my skills, so I always aim to create success consistency with everyone I coach no matter what seems to be the barrier or goal.

My reason for me being a coach is having the platform that everyone can have access and the chance to have what they want, it’s our birthright to live our life on our terms. I have the opportunity to do something about it now and have the skills to accelerate change and healing with my clients. I have coached, CEO, trainers, housewife’s, MMA fighters, teachers, business owners, people from all different walks of life, but all with questions.

Every single person must permit themselves to get the answers to their own questions. I’m not a therapist, consultant or mentor but I will ask you the right questions to find out what’s really holding you back and what needs to change to make a change.

Questions to things like:

I want to know what’s in the way of me losing weight? How do I stop overthinking things?

What do I need to do to sleep better?

I want to know what to do with... life!

How do I best start my own business?

All I really want is to have better relationships?

The answers are much closer than you think.

Everyone has something holding them back, I can help you find out what that something is. It’s remarkable how quickly it can happen.

So, what’s happened has happened and I accept my story and have fully embraced it by sharing it with you. It’s your birthright to have your dreams and desire come true. It’s my purpose is to pull out every dream, goal, or desire you have and make it a reality.

The best day of your life is the one in which you decide your life is your own.

I wrote this for myself but also for you. I have been healed, empowered, I know who I am, who I want to be. I can help you – maybe, if not now, when? So, pick up the phone, write me a text, get in touch it’s as simple as that.

It would be my absolute pleasure to help find what’s missing and create a better life for you, your family and your future.

Ross Norman


The Missing Piece


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