My Yoga Journey

In 2015 I herniated two discs, L5 and S1. The pain of both discs pressing onto my nerve was excruciating. I went from being strong, healthy and on top of the world, winning kettlebell competitions, climbing mountains to not being able to stand up straight or walk. My lowest point was when I was unable to get out of the car when I arrived at the hospital to get a MRI and a nurse had to provide a wheelchair, I got emotional.

I was bedridden for nine days, I recovered and managed the pain and got back to 80% of where I was before the injury. Years went by, I continued to pump weights, I wanted big arms, big chest and abs, mostly I think to impress the girls and boost my own ego. I still suffered sciatica but managed it, but I wasn’t totally pain free. The pain was at its worst in the mornings, and definitely negatively influenced my mental state.

I always felt something was never completely healed in my back even until mid 2020. The sciatic pain would come and go. I began to discover also my back would flair up when I was have difficult emotions and challenges in my life. I was beginning to see how everything was connected.

October 2020 I began yoga at Jetts Fitness, near Chong Nonsi BTS station with a dear friend Pen. We went regularly to yoga in the evenings twice a week for about two months. I started to see the difference very quickly in my mood and the mobility in my hips.

I will never forgot the moment got hooked, during one class, I felt like I was getting healed. One particular posture suddenly I was able to relax and get into a deep stretch. It was a beautiful feeling, a deep release and letting go followed. I will never forget that nights sleep was peaceful and relaxed and I woke up completely pain free and that day I knew I wanted to learn more about yoga.

I continued to be disciplined week to week, and the benefits grew. I was returning home is a blissful state. I woke up refreshed, focused and very peaceful and my back pain-free. I was felt incredible.

One day after yoga, I talked my friend Pen who accompanied me to the class each week and said the words “I will become a yoga teacher one day”. My mind processed out how that could happen, I thought to myself, next March would be good, and have to do it only on weekends. One afternoon I was scrolling Facebook and an advertisement came up about a Yoga Teacher Training (260 hrs). I sent a message to the Facebook page, visited the studio went to meet the owner and I knew this was the place I wanted to learn straight away. I signed up and began the course April 18th 2021. I’m not sure the teacher trainer Kru Guide really knew I only had a handful of yoga class under my belt and I only knew the name of one yoga pose, downward facing dog. It did cross my mind whether this was a good idea, as all the other students had 5 -10 years experience. It took five months to become a yoga teacher, and I can say it has been put on top five best choices of my life.

I have a few things to say about yoga. Firstly Yoga is not for everyone. If you had ask me two years ago, I wasn’t ready, or even remotely open to it. I do believe it partly because of the misconceptions and stereotype yoga carries with it.

My Yoga teacher said it right from the the first day of the course, “when you ready your teacher will appear” That certainly happened to me. So second thing I wanted to mention about Yoga was the common misconception it’s has attached to it that doesn’t do it any favors in the slightest.

Here a few miscopceptions about yoga I have noticed.

1. You need to be flexible to do yoga

2. Yoga is about flexibility,

3. Only slim women can do it

4. You have to be in touch with your spiritual side

5. You have to own a pair of big trousers

It’s actually about

1. Building strength and mobility in hips, shoulders and spine

2. Calming you down and reducing anxiety and stress

3. Helping you sleep better and giving you confidence

4. Ending you making noises when you get out of a chairs or off the floor (that was me)

5. Getting you highly focused and boosting concentration for a productive day

6. Recovering and preventing injuries especially back pain

One gigantic insight I had during the yoga program I was able to find the answers to questions.

How can I feel happy, joyful and excited in my life?

What’s in the way getting the life I want?

What is my purpose?

What are my goals, dreams and wishes for this life?

The spaciousness on the yoga mat reconnected to myself and my inner knowing. Being more still, quiet and aware internally I able to assess where I was and most importantly where I wanted to be and how I could best go about getting there.

When the breathing and movement calmed my anxious mind I become more relaxed and more aware of my surroundings. Being in this state the fog had lifted, and made getting perspective and reassessing my life situation an achievable task. Solutions appeared, motivation was released and life begin to flow with greater ease.

It’s like the yoga took away the confusion, doubt, uncertainty and fear and unlocked my personal power to create the life I wanted. Combining yoga and coaching, optimized my body, activated and upgraded my energy and reprogrammed my mind for success. The Yoga Coaching 12 week online Life & Body Transformation Program gives you a complete step by step process to upgrade your personal and professional life.

Take a moment to ask yourself…

- Do you feel there something missing in the back of your mind, your heart or even deeper in your soul?

- Do you feel tense in your back, hips, neck and shoulders or have reoccurring bouts of sciatica?

- Do you feel anxious, frustrated and overwhelmed in your daily life?

- Do you feel you are unable to take part in life at its fullest?

If your challenges are overload, overwhelm and overthinking in your daily life and want to feel relaxed, motivated and confident. The Yoga Coaching Life & Body Transformation Program will give a step by step process to find your own answers so how you can completely transform your physical body and give you a mental edge to achieve the life you have always dreamed of.

Its our birthright to live our life on our terms.

We all have our own blind spots, only someone else can show them to us. I will ask you the right questions to find out what you really want and help you overcome the challenges and obstacles of getting it.

Call me to have a chemistry session where together we can manage and bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.


Why Yoga & Coaching?